Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Well...Here is my very first blog.....
Who would have thought!
Desperate times call for desperate measures!

How Shall I start this?

05.31.10: The day I packed up my house....and put wheels on it! Oh the places we can go! So far this journey has consisted of a 36 hour drive; bombing through one metropolitan landscape after another. The dirty, dusty, truck city of Ft St. John now seems like a booming metropolis compared to where my wheels are now settled. The little aboriginal, aka Native American, aka Native Indian, aka Indian...the little Indian Village of Carmacks....and yes, even Carmacks made it on Google earth. What a place. But nay, oh nigh, or whatever they would have said in the medieval days... this too, very soon, will feel like a booming metropolis.

This little village that i have come to call home....ahem....I rephrase that ...this village that I have come to call.....never mind...nothing comes... hole? There's no place like home...there’s no place like this hole....really there isn't. The two petrol stations, one grocery store.... the RV Park...I cannot bring myself to call what I am staying in a trailer park, so for a classier choice, RV. Now doesn't that sound classy? Throw some abbreviations in and it always sounds better. So, Carmacks, don't be taken in by the word village, it may sound quaint but it is in fact a nice word for reserve, or concentration, ok maybe not...stick with reserve. I did make myself a new friend, or should I say she made herself my new friend. Yes, I do have a friend. My Trailer Park BFF, as she would probably like to be known, is Joan. Let me describe Joan for you: Tinties (meaning if you go out in the sun with your glasses on, they go dark automatically...without lifting a finger! Who woulda thought? One less thing to do!), original acid-wash-zipper-short-sleeved-blouse t-shirt (picture it?) now known as "vintage" with shoulder seams at the elbows, Croc wearing, child hating (pretend to like) all round nice-ish lady, or nice-ish all round lady.... anyway, nice enough to give me her trashy STAR celeb magazine....oh dear, those things can’t be true, can they? And even nice enough to give me her Gas and Oil Magazine from Aug 2008, just couldn't bring herself to just throw them out. Gas and Oil Magazine eh? She’s a real northern Alberta girl that one. Ok, enough about Joan

Next. Fred Mullet. NO, NO, NO! Not a word of a lie (well maybe Seth and Jake are lying) but his name is Fred Mullet. Yup, think about it, what’s better than having a mullet? Having the name Mullet! Nuff said. Well, no, actually there is never enough said. He thinks I PURDY. The first time I met him he’s like, "Hi", looks at Seth, "AINT SHE PURDY!" ...hah...yup I’m still standing’re purdy too? Scratch that tummy a little more Mr Mullet. He is a dear though.

So now let’s address the subject of shopping.

Shopping in Carmacks: Shopping in Carmacks consists of, like I mentioned earlier (you can reference back a few paragraphs) the grocery store. And I do shop there. I slowly walk the aisles of the Carmacks grocery store to and fro seeing what I shall purchase and little side note here * always check the dates *smiley face*. The other form of shopping would be through Joan. Yes, my Trailer Park BFF. She introduced me to PartyLite: The Art of Creating Ambiance. She’s a dealer ya know, a PartyLite dealer. And you know if you spend over $275 you get a free gift valued at $ 67.95...and like she said...$275 actually adds up really fast! Well golly, I'll really have to watch what I spend then.

Well, this is slowly coming to a close. I wouldn't want to tell all my experiences in one blog entry. So, Ciao for now. Until next time, signing off, Astroturfs a waitin!

Hermit Hannah

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